Sankalp Shakti

Sankalp Shakti


Pratibha Narain Rajguru

48.30 the book in Hindi language Sankalp Shakti is not just the story of a cancer survivor, it is an inspiration to persevere through life's struggles. This book highlights the power of self-confidence, courage, and the unconditional support of family to overcome. Author Pratibha Narayan Rajguru shares her experiences to show how determination and the support of loved ones can bring new hope in every storm of life. Her journey is not limited to medical treatment, but is a living example of the depth of relationships, the power of collective prayer, and the power of believing in oneself. Sankalp Shakti is a beacon for everyone who is trying to find their way in the darkness of difficulties. This book shows that every challenge of life, no matter how difficult, can become an opportunity for a new beginning المزيد من التفاصيل
نبذه عن الكتاب

the book in Hindi language Sankalp Shakti is not just the story of a cancer survivor, it is an inspiration to persevere through life's struggles. This book highlights the power of self-confidence, courage, and the unconditional support of family to overcome. Author Pratibha Narayan Rajguru shares her experiences to show how determination and the support of loved ones can bring new hope in every storm of life. Her journey is not limited to medical treatment, but is a living example of the depth of relationships, the power of collective prayer, and the power of believing in oneself. Sankalp Shakti is a beacon for everyone who is trying to find their way in the darkness of difficulties. This book shows that every challenge of life, no matter how difficult, can become an opportunity for a new beginning

تفاصيل الكتاب
  • ردمك (ISBN):9789779683225
  • تأليف:Pratibha Narain Rajguru
  • دار النشر:ارتقاء للنشر الدولي والتوزيع
  • التصنيف:التراجم والسير, تطوير الذات, الفلسفة والفكر
  • اللغة:الهندية
  • سنة النشر:2025
  • عدد الصفحات:142
  • الغلاف:تغليف ورقي
  • الوزن (كجم):0.21
  • لون الطباعة:أسود
ردمك (ISBN)9789779683225
دار النشرارتقاء للنشر الدولي والتوزيع
التصنيفالتراجم والسير, تطوير الذات, الفلسفة والفكر
سنة النشر2025
عدد الصفحات142
الغلافتغليف ورقي
الوزن (كجم)0.21
لون الطباعةأسود

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