The Facilitator in Hospital Management

The Facilitator in Hospital Management

17.66 "Hospital Management to effective hospital administration, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency and improving patient care. this book dives into the essential aspects of hospital management, covering topics such as the integration of cutting-edge technologies like AI and telemedicine, strategic human resource practices, financial planning, and ethical considerations in patient treatment. It provides detailed insights into developing a skilled workforce, maintaining financial stability, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. The text is enriched with case studies and modern tools for quality control and crisis management, making it an indispensable resource for healthcare administrators aiming to navigate the complexities of modern hospital operations. Overall, the book promotes a multidisciplinary approach to hospital management, aligning administrative functions with the evolving healthcare landscape to ensure high standards of care and organizational success. المزيد من التفاصيل
نبذه عن الكتاب

"Hospital Management to effective hospital administration, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency and improving patient care. this book dives into the essential aspects of hospital management, covering topics such as the integration of cutting-edge technologies like AI and telemedicine, strategic human resource practices, financial planning, and ethical considerations in patient treatment. It provides detailed insights into developing a skilled workforce, maintaining financial stability, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. The text is enriched with case studies and modern tools for quality control and crisis management, making it an indispensable resource for healthcare administrators aiming to navigate the complexities of modern hospital operations. Overall, the book promotes a multidisciplinary approach to hospital management, aligning administrative functions with the evolving healthcare landscape to ensure high standards of care and organizational success.

تفاصيل الكتاب
  • ردمك (ISBN):9786030553327
  • تأليف:Abdullah Mohammed Mahdi Alamir
  • التصنيف:الصحة العامة والتغذية والحمية, الكتب الطبية
  • اللغة:الإنجليزية
  • سنة النشر:2024
  • عدد الصفحات:84
  • الغلاف:تغليف ورقي
  • الوزن (كجم):0.24
  • لون الطباعة:أسود
ردمك (ISBN)9786030553327
التصنيفالصحة العامة والتغذية والحمية, الكتب الطبية
سنة النشر2024
عدد الصفحات84
الغلافتغليف ورقي
الوزن (كجم)0.24
لون الطباعةأسود

كتب ذات صلة