Teaching English Language Through Online Emotional Intelligence: Communication Skills in Focus

Teaching English Language Through Online Emotional Intelligence: Communication Skills in Focus


Dr. Dalia Zakaria, Prof. Aly Qoura

151.27 "Oral communication skills deserve significant attention, as they are essential in every aspect of life. This book offers online activities based on emotional intelligence and demonstrates how to apply them effectively to enhance listening and speaking skills across all ages. The book further, introduces a comprehensive teacher’s guide on how to implement these activities both online and in the classroom. Packed with up-to-date information and references, this book is a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance their listening and speaking skills in a safe and self- regulated environment." المزيد من التفاصيل
نبذه عن الكتاب

"Oral communication skills deserve significant attention, as they are essential in every aspect of life. This book offers online activities based on emotional intelligence and demonstrates how to apply them effectively to enhance listening and speaking skills across all ages. The book further, introduces a comprehensive teacher’s guide on how to implement these activities both online and in the classroom. Packed with up-to-date information and references, this book is a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance their listening and speaking skills in a safe and self- regulated environment."

تفاصيل الكتاب
  • ردمك (ISBN):9789778789997
  • تأليف:Dr. Dalia Zakaria, Prof. Aly Qoura
  • دار النشر:إبهار للنشر والتوزيع
  • التصنيف:التربية والتعليم, تطوير الذات
  • اللغة:الإنجليزية
  • سنة النشر:2025
  • عدد الصفحات:276
  • الغلاف:تغليف ورقي
  • الوزن (كجم):0.49
  • لون الطباعة:ملون
ردمك (ISBN)9789778789997
دار النشرإبهار للنشر والتوزيع
التصنيفالتربية والتعليم, تطوير الذات
سنة النشر2025
عدد الصفحات276
الغلافتغليف ورقي
الوزن (كجم)0.49
لون الطباعةملون

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