Blueprints of Success: Creating Outstanding Schools Across Cultures of Egypt, UK, and UAE

Blueprints of Success: Creating Outstanding Schools Across Cultures of Egypt, UK, and UAE


Mohammed Ebrahim Shousha

56.35 This book delves into the fascinating world of education, exploring the factors that contribute to the outstanding performance of schools in three diverse nations: Egypt, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. By comparing and contrasting their approaches, we aim to identify common threads and unique characteristics that foster excellence in learning. This comparative study is about understanding the diverse pathways to educational success. المزيد من التفاصيل
نبذه عن الكتاب

This book delves into the fascinating world of education, exploring the factors that contribute to the outstanding performance of schools in three diverse nations: Egypt, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. By comparing and contrasting their approaches, we aim to identify common threads and unique characteristics that foster excellence in learning. This comparative study is about understanding the diverse pathways to educational success.

تفاصيل الكتاب
  • ردمك (ISBN):9786338266240
  • تأليف:Mohammed Ebrahim Shousha
  • دار النشر:إبهار للنشر والتوزيع
  • التصنيف:التربية والتعليم, تطوير الذات
  • اللغة:الإنجليزية
  • سنة النشر:2025
  • عدد الصفحات:160
  • الغلاف:تغليف ورقي
  • الوزن (كجم):0.33
  • لون الطباعة:أسود
ردمك (ISBN)9786338266240
دار النشرإبهار للنشر والتوزيع
التصنيفالتربية والتعليم, تطوير الذات
سنة النشر2025
عدد الصفحات160
الغلافتغليف ورقي
الوزن (كجم)0.33
لون الطباعةأسود

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